The Daily Stormer looks like it’s finally meeting its demise and all we can say is it’s about fucking time.

In an article posted Monday, Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin went on a longwinded, bitchy diatribe against his shitty audience for not sending him enough money. According to Anglin only $5,000 was raised during the month of January after the site apparently lost $50,000 during all of 2019. As a result, Anglin mentioned that he would have to lay off his band of shithead writers while he would remain as the only full-time staffer.

Via the Daily Dot:

“I’ve given 30-day noticed to most of the staff, because even after I told you people that the site lost $50,000 last year, fewer than 60 of you decided to send money, for a total of less than $5,000,” Anglin wrote. “The costs for January were more than $10,000.”

“A site this size should be able to function comfortably with a modest staff,” he added. “But hey, if people don’t want to send money, we’ll do things differently.”

Anglin further stated that he would be the only full-time writer moving forward and warned that the future of the site’s “race war” section was “up in the air.”

“It is impossible to communicate how depressing this is for me personally,” he continued. “I thought that we were promoting an agenda here that people believed in, but it seems that virtually all of you do not believe in this enough to send $5.”

Who knows though what’s ultimately going to happen to Anglin’s digital rag of a website. It for the very most part was able to survive after having host after host bail on it after a white supremacist murdered Heather Heyer during the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Shit though continues to pile up for Anglin after a judge ordered him to pay more than $700,000 dollars last year to a black woman who he and his readers harrassed.