Open-world video game nerds with a thirst for over-the-top detail better get some extra pairs of pants by tomorrow. That’s because the new survival game SCUM which features an incredibly detail open-world platform that’ll track your characters calorie intake, vitamin levels and even your teeth count is about to drop on Steam Early Access on August 29th.

Via PC Gamer:

Aspects of numerous previous survival and battle royale games appear to come together in SCUM. There’s obviously a PUBG-style competitive element to it, and it’s presented as a voyeuristic near-future game show, similar to SOS or the late Radical Heights. But the Steam listing says “knowledge and skills are the ultimate weapons for long-term survival,” which includes combat proficiency but also security system hacking and other “knowledge-based skills.” Do well and you’ll receive life-extending gifts from your corporate sponsors; do poorly and you’ll die, but you might come back with all those skills intact—as a zombie, apparently, and yes, they’re in the game too (though they’re called ‘puppets‘).

Shit, Zombies too? Count me in.

Hell I remember during the Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas days when your character could lose or gain weight based on the amount of activity they partake in. This obviously takes that notion to a whole new level and then some.

In any sense though you’d think the detail may be going a little overboard. Like for instance how long will it be before tracking your calories becomes cumbersome and turn off the game for something less detail oriented? You’d have to think at some point a game could go a little far. Not really from a moral standpoint – at least not in this case – but how much do you want a video game to mimic everyday life? Sure there’s no zombies amongst, at least not yet 🙂 but paying attention to your calorie intake and how much vitamin D you’re getting… can’t you do that everyday in real life?

I mean damn, look at that screen… It looks like some kind of stock ticker run-amuck.