The Walking Dead
Photo: Gene Page/AMC

Tonight’s season eight midseason premier of “The Walking Dead” was presumably bittersweet for a lot of long-time fans like myself. On the one hand the show returned after taking most of the winter off as it usually does but on the other we said goodbye to a seasoned character whose death surely caught most off guard.

Sunday night’s episode “Honor” focused primarily on two different story lines that in the end were interconnected in several ways.

Saying goodbye to Carl

After the mid-season finale the disdain of Carl’s impending death was heard loud and clear amongst TWD fans. Erik Kain of Forbes tonight called Carl’s death ‘unnecessary’ which really isn’t true. Sure it deviated far from the comic where of which Carl is still very much alive and yes the television version of the series could certainly continue with Carl still a living, breathing character.

However since Negan infamously introduced Lucille to the World by bashing in the heads of Glenn and Abraham it seemed as though the main cast of characters were seemingly invincible. Carl’s death served up a reality check for viewers while adding a little intrigue going forward that no one, whether it be Daryl, Michonne or Carol is safe.

Not to mention Carl’s death could signal a turning point for Rick and the rest of the survivors in Alexandria.

Despite what Negan has put Rick’s group through can the two leaders actually co-exist? Or at the very least, could the Saviors, the Kingdom, the Hilltop and Alexandria actually work together as equals? Interestingly enough, one of those flash forwards could seem to suggest that it’s a real possibility, even to the extent that Negan himself gets spared.

It seems pretty clear now how Morgan makes his exit

Tonight’s other corresponding storyline continued to focus on the mental struggles of Morgan who seemingly can’t decide whether to be a buddhist pacifist or unsparing killing machine.

During the last half of the season, it was revealed that Morgan’s character was chosen to be the crossover character that would join the “Fear the Walking Dead” cast. And since that announcement was made fans have been racking their brains trying to figure how Morgan would make his exit.

Tonight though it seemed pretty clear just how that could happen.

After Carol and Morgan successfully overran the invading Saviors at the Kingdom and rescue King Ezekiel, Morgan’s thirst to finish off every last Savior was coming to a head as he was tuning up to impale Gavin with his bo staff. However Henry beat Morgan to the stick and finished Gavin off right through the throat with a move that was surly taught to him by Morgan himself.

At this point it seems pretty certain that Henry’s actions could once again pull Morgan back in the other direction to the point that he realizes he can no long continue with his current group.


From Morgan’s standpoint, yes they were able to clear out the Kingdom and win this battle but he knows the Saviors will regroup and continue the war with the trifecta of surviving communities. With that comes more killing something that Morgan will probably remove himself from by packing up and going off on his own.

What’s next?

How will Rick approach Carl’s final wish and try to make peace with the Saviors? Is it possible given the circumstances of Negan’s group blowing to shit what was left of Alexandria?

How about Morgan? Will he begin to plot his exit from the group?

We also can’t forget other important story’s that weren’t addressed in this week’s episode. Aaron and Enid aren’t in the good place right now with Oceanside, what is Janis‘ next move with the trash people after Rick’s plan fell through and what does Simon have in store for the Hilltop?