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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Amazon continue to have their war of words as the Congresswoman continues to call out the billionaire Jeff Bezo’s company for their shitty labor practices.

During an interview with ABC News’ “This Week” AOC attributed Bezo’s status as the World richest person to his Company essentially ripping off their workers of a living wage.

Amazon responded to AOC by claiming they pay their employees an ‘industry leading’ $15/hour.

Via Vanity Fair:

“These allegations are absurd,” Amazon said in a statement. “Amazon associates receive industry-leading pay starting at $15 an hour…Amazon pre-pays 95% of continuing education tuition costs through its Career Choice program for associates who want to pursue in-demand careers.” Jay Carney, Amazon’s head of communications, later chimed in to say, “More than 42% of all working Americans earn less than the $15/hour Amazon pays entry-level fulfillment center employees. And all our employees get top-tier benefits. I’d urge @AOC to focus on raising the federal minimum wage instead of making stuff up about Amazon.” (Last October, after the tech giant raised its minimum wage, Bloomberg reported that the company had eliminated stock awards and monthly bonuses for warehouse workers and other hourly employees.)

Paying your employees $15 and hour is one thing, however Amazon continues to exploit their work force when it comes to labor value. Bezo’s Company has made their mark in the industry by offering two-day shipping which has turned fulfillment centers around the United States into first world sweatshops. This has been a strategy that has led to not only lining the pockets of Amazon executives with wads of cash but has also led to the destruction of many business across the Country who simply cannot compete with what Amazon has been able to do. In April the Company has been toying with the idea of next day turns.

Via MarketWatch:

“With two-day Prime shipping, Amazon fulfillment workers currently face speeds of 200-300 orders per hour in 12-hour shifts. They struggle already to maintain that pace,” RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum said. “If Amazon plans to effectively double the speed, it must also address existing workforce needs and ensure its workers are safe. Increasing fulfillment speeds means they need to hire more workers, under more sustainable speeds that don’t put workers’ lives in jeopardy.”

Aside from the aforementioned elimination of stock awards and monthly bonuses for hourly employees, in an effort to keep their turnaround rate on orders The Guardian reported back in January that employees are really not allowed to take bathroom breaks or they risk some bullshit demerit called “Tot” (time off task points) which could be used to justify the employees termination.