Rod Rosenstein
Photo: NBC News

Welcome to Monday everyone!

We’ve got the Dr. Christine Ford testimony later this week, a second woman stepping forward accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct and now the expectation that deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein will be fired today by Donald Trump.

Other reports however are indicating that Rosenstein has submitted his letter of resignation to chief of staff John Kelly prior to making his way to the White House this morning to meet with the POTUS.

These latest developments come after a New York Times report last week that Rosenstein suggested wearing a wire while talking to the President and that he would try to recruit members of the cabinet to enact the 25th amendment. The 25th amendment of course seeks to remove an unfit president from office by vote of his cabinet.

NBC News later kinda-sorta refuted this report stating that Rosenstein wasn’t actually serious about the wire or 25th amendment claim but was ‘clearly’ joking in his statements.

The now former deputy general has denied the New York Times report twice.

Rosenstein of course has been in charge of the on-going Russia investigation so there may be a general feeling of a slow moving Saturday Night Massacre. 

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: According to CNN, Rosenstein hasn’t officially resigned or be fired yet. He has however offered his resignation to John Kelly. Donald Trump would have to be the one that actually fires him though.