Joe Biden

Video has been circulating of two veterans absolutely destroying Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden over his war record, particularly his Iraq War vote (which he was in favor of).

Within the video taken during a campaign stop in Oakland, California, the two veterans could be heard and seen saying “Millions are dead in Iraq. We actually fought in your damn wars. You sent us to hurt civilians”. For this, the veterans could be heard saying that Biden for his actions is “disqualified”.

This is obviously one of many things that Biden is going to have to answer too, much like Hillary Clinton did if, in fact, Biden makes it to the general which we’re sure the DNC will look to do everything in their power to make happen. It’ll also be something that Trump will hit him hard on among other things which despite No. 45’s own shit record on just about everything, his base has proven to be unwilling to acknowledge but rather spin in some other direction.