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Donald Trump and Paul Ryan release joint statement, stress party unity

Donald Trump

Amid the outright civil war taking place in the GOP, the party’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump and highest ranking republican on Capital Hill Paul Ryan met today in Washington D.C. to straighten out their differences.

During their first meeting since the Speaker of the House said last week he couldn’t support Trump as the GOP nominee, yet the two reportedly spoke honestly about their differences while also touting party unity as they try to prevent Hillary Clinton (or Bernie Sanders) from claiming the White House this fall.

Donald Trump and Paul Ryan also released this joint statement:

This is obviously a good first step in the short for Donald Trump who probably can’t win the the White House without gaining support at least from a majority of the establishment moving into the general election. This also may be good for Paul Ryan and his political future in the party showing that he can work with any high profile GOP figure to move things forward instead of being stuck in neutral as multiple wings continue the civil war.


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