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That 2005 Donald Trump tape may have been the tip of the iceberg

Donald Trump

Donald Trump and his campaign are once again on the defense today as more women have come forward claiming the GOP presidential nominee sexually assaulted them in the past.

The latest accusations come from the New York Times where two women have come forward citing one event almost three decades ago on a plane and another one ironically back in 2005 in front of an elevator.

The airplane incident comes from 74-year old Jessica Leeds who says the real estate mogul “grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt” before she fled to the back of the plane. “He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

Likewise, Rachel Cooks recalls a 2005 event when she was a 22-year old receptionist at Bayrock Group, a real estate investment and development company in Trump Tower. She says she met Trump outside an elevator, introduced herself and shook his hand. Only according to Cooks instead of letting go, Trump proceeded to go all dirty old man and began to kiss her on the cheek and “directly on the mouth.”

“It was so inappropriate,” Ms. Crooks recalled in an interview. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.”

Shaken, Ms. Crooks returned to her desk and immediately called her sister, Brianne Webb, in the small town in Ohio where they grew up, and told her what had happened.

“She was very worked up about it,” said Ms. Webb, who recalled pressing her sister for details. “Being from a town of 1,600 people, being naïve, I was like ‘Are you sure he didn’t just miss trying to kiss you on the cheek?’ She said, ‘No, he kissed me on the mouth.’ I was like, ‘That is not normal.’”

Trump of course has denied these allegations which in part add up to almost a dozen women who have now come forward accusing him of sexual assault.

Additionally, Donald Trump’s lawyers have demanded the New York Times retract and apologize for the latest story which the paper will not do.

Lawsuit? Possibly, but I’m sure the ball won’t get rolling on that until after the election if at all since you know, more details would have to come out in a trial. Not to mention we’re less than four weeks away from Election Day.

Bottom line, Trump hasn’t gotten off to a good start in his defense if that 2005 video has anything to say about anything.

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