Mexico City

On September 19th, Mexico City was ravaged by a 7.1 magnitude earthquake marking the second major tremor that country has seen this month. Back on September 7th, an 8.1 magnitude quake hit the southern portion of the Country causing 90 deaths. However during that tremor damage wasn’t as devastating due to the epicenter hitting more offshore.

The 9/19 earthquake however had an epicenter just 100 miles away from the Mexican capital city killing at last count 225 people with that death toll sure to rise.

Below, are some of the more shocking videos from the September 19th quake including a newscaster who runs for cover as studio lighting shakes violently as the camera pans out.

Many buildings and infrastructure couldn’t hold up to the violent shaking that lasted about 20 seconds in most areas hit by the quake.

Schools were especially hit hard as students became trapped in buildings.

One of the more highly publicized stories coming out of the earthquake was the collapse of the Enrique Rebsamen School that killed at least 21 children and four adults. The good news is first responders and rescuers are still finding people alive in the rubble as the dig in some cases with their bare hands.

People have been extremely lucky as well such as this lady to narrowly missed falling glass at a shopping  mall.

People weren’t the only victims though. Here’s a dog being rescued as rescuers cheer.

American tourist captured this footage of their boat shaking in the canals of Xochimilco just north of Mexico City.

This amazing and frightening video shows the ground looking like it’s breathing.

You can also help the people of Mexico devastated by the earthquake by donating to the following organizations: